Zespół Animal Genie szuka klawiszowca/klawiszowczyni

Animal Genie

Rock, Pop, Rock Psychodeliczny
ID #7524
Data publikacji 13 lutego 2025
Poszukiwany Klawiszowiec/Klawiszowczyni
Wiek Dowolny
Looking for KEYBOARDISTS round 2! We are now playing my songs with guitarist and a bass player but out of everyone contacting me we haven't been able to find a drummer and keyboardist! So i'm doing another round hoping all you drummers and keyboardists will see this! "Hey guys! I'm a Finnish musician in Warsaw. I've been publishing my diy bedroom style of music for long enough and it's time to take the bedroom to the stage. I've been wanting to play my music live for a long time and i'm now looking for musicians who are into what i'm doing and want to play my music together with me. I'm looking for a drummer and keyboardist/mpc pad loop computer geek wizard. (Anyone who plays piano or keys and is truly interested in learning is okay. I'm willing to teach you if you are willing and wanting to learn. All you need to know right now is how to play piano or keys." Hit me up if you recognize yourself in some of the following: -You like my songs -You are enthusiastic about playing my songs together. -You are over 18. I am 33, so hoping to meet some musicians around my age range but being young is no problem if you are responsible enough. -You are technically capable of playing my songs on your own instrument. They're not very hard, but have had some trouble with this in the past. I can barely play them myself so it would be cool if there would be at least one person in the band who knows what they are doing. You don't need to be virtuoso, i'm certainly not, but i'm hoping that you can deliver on your own instrument enough to play my music properly. (Properly means, within the intention, vision and thematics of the records.) -You can communicate in english. -You are interested in committing to the band enough to go outside warsaw for gigs after we get things rolling. Commitment also shows in practising at least once a week and showing up to the practice. Extra -Big bonus if you can sing to the point that you can hit a note. There is a lot of vocal harmonies and most of you would need to sing with me. -If you know your way around Warsaw music scene and can maybe help with places we could play in. That's about it. You can go check out my stuff in youtube, instagram and spotify." Here is the newest song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=plvpqRRFhMA Here is some music videos of mine: https://www.youtube.com/@animalgenie/videos And my instagram: https://www.instagram.com/animalgenie

Inne ogłoszenia użytkownika

ID #7523 | 13 lutego 2025

Zespół Animal Genie szuka perkusisty/perkusistki w dowolnym wieku

Looking for DRUMMERS round 2! We are now playing my songs with guitarist and a bass player but out of everyone contacting me we haven't been able to find a drummer and keyboardist! So i'm doing another...

  • Rock
  • Pop
  • Rock Psychodeliczny